Persisted Selectors

What is Selector? Apache Sling defines Selectors as: ” If the first character in the request URL after the resource path is a dot (.), the string after the dot up to but not including the last dot before the next slash character or the end of the request URL comprises the selectors. If the resource…

Tool for Dispatcher Security

Dispatcher Security is one of the most ignored things in AEM implementations. I used to wonder why people still do this manually and don’t follow any best practices while configuring it. Adobe recommends using a Security Checklist, but who has got time for doing it manually when you can automate it. And it gets complex with…

Improvise the Search Index

Conquering the necessary query is a battle half won (Read QueryBuilder API).  The other crucial aspect of Search in AEM is indexing. Many times it happens that even after the Query is well written with correct predicates, it results in slow executions and traversals of the repository. This can prove to be an expensive request…