Improvise the Search Index

Conquering the necessary query is a battle half won (Read QueryBuilder API).  The other crucial aspect of Search in AEM is indexing. Many times it happens that even after the Query is well written with correct predicates, it results in slow executions and traversals of the repository. This can prove to be an expensive request…

Useful Links

Hi Guys, Through this page I would be sharing all the important Links which become quite useful and handy while executing projects and for quick reference . I am using these myself and so may the world . I would be updating and categorizing them whenever I will find something worthy. Keep this page as a bookmark…

Guidelines for Performance Optimziation

Performance Optimization of an AEM instance is one topic which gets neglected during almost all the development phase and when the site degrades in various levels , a concern is raised for checking the Performance of the system. Lately I have been working on a lot of projects wherein there was this problem and we…